Green Living

Shannon's magical wonderland

Why are my meals on pause?

New things are coming, let me explain

Meal Service Variation

Why is a Meal Prep Service Beneficial and is it actually healthy?

If chosen carrefully, it can save you time and money while supporting your health goals.

Living equals life

Do We Need to Eat More Living for Life?

We are living beings that require fuel our body recognises as food, so yes, consuming living foods will ensure we maintain life in our body. 

Walking bare foot

Are you grounded?

Unless you have your bare feet on the earth regularly, sit on the ground when outdoors, do your gardening without gloves or have some sort of "Earthing" device connected in your home, it's likely you are not

The way nature intended

The Way Nature Intended

When my vision of Little Green Heart was beginning to unfold within, this poem flowed from me almost entirely in one sitting. It represents what I believe are the foundations of health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find information on the questions I get asked most often.

Reducing Our Toxic Exposure

How Important is it to Reduce Your Toxic Exposure?

When there are studies demonstrating the average woman is exposed to 138 chemicals, and the man 85 before they even leave the home, the answer is; it's absolutely crucial for a healthy life.

Fibre is the key

Is Fibre the Key to Unlock Greater Health?

When you consider the longest lived people don't always have the best diet but the greatest intake of fibre, it seems the answer is yes.