Healthy Mind

Shannon's magical wonderland

Why are my meals on pause?

New things are coming, let me explain

I began selling my meals back in August 2021, I launched on the 8th of the 8th during our first lockdown. Being a self trained cook with a passion to educate on how to eat more whole foods and the importance of ‘clean’ food for optimal health, building this business has been incredibly challenging but also rewarding. Having the opportunity to speak with so many people experiencing health challenges was possibly the most valuable learnings I’ve had. While I would remind people that every ‘body’ is different, I’m not sure I would have truly understood this without those conversations. Who would have thought foods like avocado or quinoa could cause a negative reaction to some bodies!? So, thank you to all those who’ve spoken to me in the past few years, you have educated me also.

I’m not sure whether it was the exhaustion of learning how to run a business, the incredibly labour intensive process I created to provide you with ‘clean’ food, 18 months of markets every weekend, or my own internal journey, but I had stopped nourishing myself properly. I was eating whatever was easy, without much focus on nutrition. I became more exhausted, lost a lot of weight and really didn’t feel good about what I was doing, mentally or physically. I was not feeling authentic….I was no longer walking my talk. This was when I made the decision to stop the markets. Luckily I have an incredibly creative and supportive website designer Britt Ambrose Design who ensured I have excellent SEO’s. This enabled me to continue selling my meals online while allowing me the space to focus on finding home, a solid foundation.

It has been a slow and often frustrating journey back to health and connecting to what service I’m here to provide. I found a lovely property in the mountains of Kin Kin to park my van. I am surrounded by Nature with minimal distractions which has supported my healing process. I have been learning how to grow my own food with a focus on medicinal herbs, ensuring I have my bare feet on the ground and slowly regaining my meditation and other healthy daily practices. 

The tricky part is we’ve been hard wired to want everything now, in the time that suits us and our goals. I’ve put a lot of pressure on myself to hurry up and get myself sorted so I can get back to full focus on cooking for you all. While I have known for some time that I need to pause, I’ve been resistant to accepting this as I know there are many of you who struggle to find truly clean food and I have not wanted to let you down. I trust you understand my need to nourish myself for now.

I hope that with the extra space, I will have the time and inspiration to share some of the knowledge I have gained, something I had intended to do but got too bogged down on food. I have been learning loads about medicinal herbs and plants that support our healing and overall health, as I gain more of my own experiences with them, I will share that with you too. I’m not sure how long I will need or what might be birthed in that time, but rest assured I am not going anywhere. It will be interesting to see what I will be offering in the future…I’ll let you know when I do! Haha

In the meantime, I'll leave you with a few tips I've found beneficial. I encourage you to pick just a few things you know will benefit you and apply them consistently, religiously, without fail. Make those few things non-negotiable and only when they are solid as a rock, perhaps add a couple more…baby steps. Remind yourself how long your health concerns have been really prominent, then add a few more years for the period where you felt it but ignored it, then a few more for the build up. When you realise just how many years your body has been under stress, it might help you to be patient and compassionate with yourself and your body, giving it the time it needs to heal.

While space from cooking is what I need right now, I am always available for consultation and support. If you are wanting to contact me, please don’t hesitate to reach out, all I ask is you contact me by phone or email, I will continue with minimal social media.

Sending you my love and blessings.